
Keep Calm and Take the Exam!

“IB” the first time I heard this word was in my sophomore year, and all my junior and senior friends who took IB classes was complaining about it. Except this one “Andrew” one of the most famous student at Cheshire Academy told me that he felt so happy because he can finally show all his two years’ hardworking on 10 pages. I have to say that 10 pages sounded so scary to a me as a sophomore. After a year, at the same time me my self had to take my own IB exam, and I want to say that it was actually not so bad.

I bet you want to ask me why. Well, I am telling you right now! I was so nervous about this exam because I felt it will be so hard. I remember every time I ask teachers about the quiz, test or exam. They always tell me that John don’t worry, you will be okay and it won’t be so hard. However, when I see the actual test it looks somehow so hard to me. This time my dear English teacher Ms. Guarino told me that I will be fine, and the truth is that I actually did okay. Before the exam, we did so much work to help us to be ready, especially the practice exam. I had no idea how to do those question until I have to start write the essay in class.

Not only in class writing, but also the discussion and projects we had in this class. Since the beginning of the year, we have been working on every details we need for this exam. Starting with Romeo and Juliet, we learned how to analysis the literary work. Then we studied the staging through My Love My Love project. Finally, when we put everything we learned together we present our final production on the IB exam paper!

