

I want to have stories about Kahu on the stage right and Father on stage Left. The narrator will be in the center stage to tell each side's story then each side will need to act out to show the story when one of them is on the other one will be in the dark. We might need some spot lights to focus on different parts. Koro is the only character show on the both sides. He will enter through the purple door. At one point Kahu will speak to the other side and Father will also do it. And they will speak after each other, so it sounds like they are having a conversation but they don't know who they are talking to, but they can hear each other. And the clam max would be when Father hand the stone to the daughter, and it show the connection between the Past and Future. Also it prove that anyone can the leader.
Costume: Koro with white wig in Kahu area and without wig in FATHER SCENE

